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Posted on 11/09/2023

Hello Studio City Neighbors: 
I’m pleased to let you know that after a hiatus since August, we are back in session. Our board has been reconfigured, and here are your Studio City Neighborhood Council board members.


Want to join us? 

We have five openings for board members. If you are interested in serving on the Board of the Studio City Neighborhood Council, and satisfy the requirements of the seat definitions, please email a notice of intent to Board President Chip Meehan and Board Secretary Adele Slaughter. The board will review the candidates that come forward and vote to select a board member to fill the vacancies in our next Regular Board meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15. The term for these Board members runs through June 2025.

  • Residential Homeowner (1 open seat) A residential homeowner has ownership interest in residential property located in Studio City and who resides at such property. Owners of multi-unit residential buildings who reside at that property are included within this definition. Must be 18 or older at the time of filing.
  • Business Representative (3 open seats) A Business Representative is a person who (i) legally provides goods or services for compensation in Studio City and who maintains a valid City of Los Angeles Tax Registration Certificate/City of Los Angeles business license or (ii) owns business real property in Studio City. Must be 18 or older at the time of filing.
  • Employee/Independent Contractor (1 open seat) An Employee/Independent Contractor is a person who legally provides goods or services for compensation in Studio City, whose compensation is reported by way of a Form W-2 or a Form 1099, and who is not required to maintain a City of Los Angeles Tax Registration Certificate/City of Los Angeles business license. Must be 18 or older at the time of filing.

To apply, email a notice of intent to Board President Chip Meehan and Board Secretary Adele Slaughter.

Join a committee

If you are interested in participating with the Studio City Neighborhood Council in a capacity other than a board member, please consider working with a team on one of our many committees. Every committee needs more willing hands to define and satisfy the work in its jurisdiction. This is an important and satisfying way for you to make a difference in your community. You can reach out to the committee chair directly, or to [email protected] and/or [email protected]
You do not need to be on the Board to serve on a committee or even chair it! If you’re curious about what a committee does, please visit the Committees page. If you’re ready to join, please contact the Chair. 

Committee: Chair                         

Thank you!

Thank you, Studio City, for your patience as we regrouped this fall. The Studio City Neighborhood Council is only effective with your feedback and participation. Please join the board or one of our committees. We are looking forward to a full calendar of events in 2024, and to pull that off we need help in the ideation and planning phases going on now. We need you!
Please visit our website for updates, information, events, links to our calendar and social media pages. Contact us to recommend specific issues for focus or suggestions for community events.
We welcome your feedback and participation. You can subscribe to SCNC agendas here
Chip Meehan
Studio City Neighborhood Council
[email protected]

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